
Target Optical Re-design

Services Provided
Web Design
Web Design

Full scale web and mobile re-design for Target Optical's path to purchase funnel

The client wanted to introduce ecommerce to a mobile audience while improving brand and experience design opportunities on the site. Through the course of the project we encouraged the client to reinvest that money into a newly redesigned shopping cart and checkout funnel. Over the course of the project we proposed an improvement schedule which would allow the client to iterate on the site to eventually get their desired features.

Project Tags

Visual Design
Motion Design
Mobile / App
User Experience
Responsive Design
“I can't believe how good the site looks. Its completely different and it actually looks like it was professionally done.”
Kate Benvenuti Head of Operations

Months spent on the project


It was a quick project with a brief discovery portion and some rapid prototyping.

# of Invision prototypes built


One for the pitch and two for the dev team. One desktop, one mobile.

# of Doritos consumed in the millions


Bags. So who knows what the actual number might be.

Designing the "Path to Purchase"

As part of the original scope Target wanted to enhance the path to purchase for the user. For one, they wanted to add a way for users to purchase product off the mobile site. Second, they wanted to add a new questionnaire experience which would help users self identify what kind of glasses they needed to buy. We took steps to analyze the data we had and conduct some preliminary interviews with people looking to purchase glasses.

Changing the Scope of the Project

After reviewing site analytics, interviewing customers currently engaged in the process of buying glasses we determined that the questionnaire was not the vital part of the project we assumed it was. We put our thoughts together and pitched a change in product scope from creating a visual questionnaire to redesiging the cart experience as it pertained to adding product to the cart.

That way when we created a better way to find product we also had a better way to buy it. Win, win.

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