40fathoms contacted me and requested that I work off of an existing icon I created for a wedding. A vintage camera, simple, flat, and colorful. I took that icon and reworked it a couple times but when reviewing it with curator at 40fathoms it just wasn't where it should be. With a brief exchange of inspiration I went back to work.
The second round I caught the vision and continued to push the poster more and more. I would drop the poster for a day or so and come back to it and continue to add bits of detail. Using images from a variety of cameras I combined them in to a hybrid camera of sorts, a collection of vintage film cameras to pay tribute to an industry that has influenced me in many different ways.
No one is actually counting so who knows. Netflix alone contributes at least 150+.
After the first change we were able to narrow down the focus and get it to a point we liked.
Give or take a few hours. The majority of it was spent on the minute details.
Thats great! I keep myself pretty active over social media so feel free to follow me on any one of these platforms. I’d be happy to keep in touch and even respond, rebound, retweet, reblog, or reply to anything you might have!
If you’re looking to hire me for work feel free to Contact me.